A Night on Broadway Creative

Creative Member Image
Jen Nocera
This is Jen's 22nd year as the director of the Victor Valley High School Theatre Department. Her goal has always been to keep theatre alive for the next generation.
Creative Member Image
Stage Manager/Website Design
Candace Church
Candace is a senior and is a member of Thespian Troupe 2757. She has stage managed Midsummer Jersey, A Night on Broadway and Newsies, and The Day the World Stopped. Candace also designed the website for this show. She loves her job running the show behind the scenes. She is involved in Cheer, ASB, Link Crew, AVID and the technical theatre program. She would like to dedicate her work on this show to her dad, who always encourages her to make her dreams, reality.

The Story of A Night on Broadway

A Night on Broadway was inspired by the ideas of Daniel Plancarte in 1999.  Since then, this show, is a favorite of both the students and the audience year after year.  This show is a beautiful tradition, as students get to choose their own material, and create their own performance.  It is truly a student created production.  This year, we are faced with the new challenge of figuring out how to keep the tradition going in a virtual world.  Join us as we take this show to the streaming platform and bare with us as we learn a whole lot about editing!  This year, more than any, A Night on Broadway is our love letter to theatre.