Fiddler on the Roof Creative

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Director & Producer
Kris Fullerton
Kris graduated from Towson University in 1974, with a Bachelor’s degree in Speech & Drama Education and a concentration in directing. Though she married and raised a family, she still kept her hand in the arts through various community and church theatricals. Kris arrived at SCS in 2000 as the Office Manager. She immediately began assisting the drama staff at our former facility, on Phillip Morris Drive. SCS moved to the current Nehemiah Center in 2003 and mounted our first full-scale, Broadway-style production in the spring of 2004 - Fiddler on the Roof - for which Kris served as choreographer. The next year, she stepped into the role of drama adviser and the journey began! A yearly fall drama was added (generally a non-musical) in the fall of 2004. The Drama Department has also hosted various talent shows throughout the years.
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Musical Director
David Smith
This is my 36th year of teaching music and my 2nd year of teaching 6-12 chorus at Salisbury Christian School. I have taught vocal and instrumental music, jazz band, marching band, general music, theatre and even handbell choir. I have been involved in plays and musicals for over 15 years. What a joy it has been to be involved with “Fiddler.”
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Technical Director
Susan Rogers

SCS Drama Department

Each year, the SCS Drama Department produces a fall theatre production and a spring musical.  Since 2003, the program has produced 27 shows, from audience favorites like Phantom of the Opera, The Little Mermaid and Les Miserables, School Edition to unique shows like Play On! and Harvey.  

Our Philosophy of Theatre:

“Someday they’ll be a better surgeon because of what they’re doing right now...or a better teacher or carpenter or systems analyst... Or who knows, maybe an actress or actor…  Whatever these young people choose to do with their life, they’ll be better prepared for it because of the theatre work they’re doing in high school.  Theatre in our schools is more than an exploration of cherished cultural treasures.  Educational theatre instills discipline, hones group skills, and exposes young students to the rigors of work under pressure and the rewards of committed, goal-oriented effort.  It teaches communication skills that will last a lifetime.      

- Dramatics, March 1997

We are often asked, "Why do you do this?"  It is obviously a passion for each of us, but our greatest pleasure and greatest blessing is watching that passion bud and grow within our young people.  Along the way, they learn far more than lines, songs, dances, or technical knowledge.  They learn valuable life skills!

 “ all things, Christ pre-eminent.”  Colossians 1:18