About Macbeth

Three witches tell the Scottish general Macbeth that he will be King of Scotland. Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth kills the king, becomes the new king, and kills more people out of paranoia. Civil war erupts to overthrow Macbeth, resulting in more death.

The Tragedy of Macbeth can be found in classrooms around the world, discussing themes such as power, violence, and the idea of fate or free will. Was this always Macbeth’s fate even without supernatural interference? Or were the actions taken all part of a person’s free will? This production provides an answer: absolutely fate because the witches are in total control of everything that happens. In 1735, Great Britain’s Parliament passed the Witchcraft Act, which made it a crime for a person to claim that any human being had magical powers or was guilty of practicing witchcraft. This law marked the end of witch trials, as it essentially abolished the hunting and executions of witches in Great Britain. Prior to this, Scotland was home to some of the worst witch hunts in history, killing between three and four thousand “witches.” The Witchcraft Act of 1735 flipped the old law around, and instead of believing that witches were real and had magical powers from pacts with Satan, the new law assumed that there were no real witches or real magic powers and that those claiming to have such powers or accusing other of such were the real enemy (because they were causing trouble). Macbeth’s witches revel in their new-found freedom amongst non-witch believers and never leave the stage. There is no free will in this world, they are fully in control of Macbeth’s fate, pulling at the strings of his life from the moment the first word is uttered on stage to the last. 

Witches - Sam Ramirez, Yuri Gutierrez, Skylar Speck
Macbeth - Grant Loke
Lady Macbeth - Valeria Magallon Jimenez
Macduff - Ronnie Brown
Lady Macduff - Val Pinon
Duncan - Charlie Livingston
Malcolm - Emma Reasner
Donalbain - Grace Almaguer
Seyton - Hollidae Livingston
Banquo - Cecilia Murguia
Lennox - Jaydyn Cabales
Ross - Dylan Williamson
Angus - America Merino
Menteith - Isabella Hemen
Caithness - Andy Maddox
Apparitions - Evelyn “Mel” Spurbeck

Nipomo Theatre Company