About Honk!

Ugly looks quite a bit different from his darling duckling brothers and sisters. The other animals on the farm are quick to notice and point this out, despite his mother's protective flapping. Feeling rather foul about himself, the little fowl finds himself on an adventure of self-discovery, all the while unknowingly outwitting a very hungry Cat. Along the way, Ugly meets a whole flock of unique characters and finds out that being different is not a bad thing to be.

Fairview Stagecrafteres and International Thespian Troupe 8671

Mission Statement:  Stagecrafters and Troupe 8671 strive to enhance the cultural experience of both their members and the Fairview Park Community as a whole. Through the development of skills and mastery in technical theatre, performance, and/or theatre management,  both Stagecrafters and Troupe 8671 encourage students and the community to participate in a quality theatre production experience and advance the standards of theatrical excellence.