Fringe Fest 20-21 Contributors

George Greene (Principal)
We would like to thank Mr.Greene for continuing to support the arts. He recently won the Georgia PTA's Regional Council's Outstanding Principal Award!
Ms. Ruff (SPA Sponsor)
Ms.Ruff is this year's SPA Sponsor and has been so supportive of the board helping out wherever needed!
Zahra Ahmed (SPA Director)
SPA members helped to organize Fringe, collect all submissions, edit the show, and create the websites you are viewing today. As director Zahra oversees all SPA events and activities.
Natalie Tangpricha (SPA Assistant Director)
SPA members helped to organize Fringe, collect all submissions, edit the show, and create the websites you are viewing today. Natalie assists Zahra in running SPA and coordinates with the PTSA.
Leo Hinnant (SPA Production Manager)
SPA members helped to organize Fringe, collect all submissions, edit the show, and create the websites you are viewing today. Leo ensures that the tech side of everything is working.
Maddy Pelissero (SPA Graphic Designer)
SPA members helped to organize Fringe, collect all submissions, edit the show, and create the websites you are viewing today. As graphic designer Maddy manages the instagram and communication between the school. She made the websites you see today!