Moliere's Tartuffe Cast

Alex Sorrels (Tartuffe)
A hypocrite; a solemn, grimy, fervent man who walks the tightrope between truth and lies.
Olivia Gillum (Dorine)
Mariane's Maide- a sassy young lady with a quick mind. The witty servant.
Grant Spengler (Orgon)
A wealthy Parisian; a cheerful but stubborn man. The unwilling clown.
Amadea Katz (Elmire)
Orgon's wife; an elegant and attractive lady with a knowing look. The lion tamer of the family.
Iliana Noss (Madame Pernelle)
Orgon's mother. An overbearing lady of high society, throwing daggers with her beliefs.
Alexa Huesgen Hobbs (Mariane)
Orgon's Daughter. A pretty young thing, not overloaded with brains. In love with Valere.
Ben Hayes-Lemmon (Valere)
Mariane's suitor. A handsome youth who at times is more eager than smart.
Derek Hernandez (Damis)
Orgon's son: A strong man character, impetuous and eager without common sense.
Keir Teeter (Cleante)
Elmire's brother; a calm and rational ring master, the voice of reason.
Dylan Carter (Monsieur Loyal)
A lawyer; a careful and fastidious no-nonsense man
Callista Gallegos (Flipote)
Madame Pernelle's maid; a sour and feeble servant.
Janine Aquino (Lady of the Court)
The lovely voice of the law
Lindsey Stancato (Officer of the Court)
An officer, dutiful juggler of obligation.
Constance Picart (Officer of the Court)
An officer, dutiful juggler of obligation.