About Trap

Image Factory presents Trap by Stephan Gregg

MENACHAP, CALIFORNIA. An incomprehensible event: every person in the audience of a high school play falls unconscious--every person but one. Using interviews with witnesses, loved ones, first responders, and the investigators pursuing the case, a theatre ensemble brings the story of the strange event to life, documentary-style. But as the strands weave together into an increasingly dangerous web, it becomes clear that things may not be exactly as they seem. Unnerving, exhilarating, and wildly inventive, you've never walked into anything quite like Trap.

"This play is based on interviews by the members of our theatre company soon after the incidents at Menachap, California in February of 2018. The interviews were filmed. Tonight's performances are based on those interviews as well as on the available primary sources including letters, newspaper articles, recordings, and security camera footage."


Centennial High School Drama / Image Factory

Centennial High School has a large, thriving theater program offering students many opportunities to learn, create, experiment and perform not only in class but in our Little Theater and the Centennial Performing Arts Center. Teachers Paul Archibeque and Machaela Burt offer Intro, Intermediate and Advanced Acting, Musical Theater, Intro Stagecraft, Adv. Stagecraft (Costumes) and Adv. Stagecraft (Set Design). Students who make it into the advanced classes join Image Factory, the core company of performers and technicians who create our season of main stage productions. Image Factory and Musical Theater produce two plays and two musicals throughout the year as well as many showcases. CHS students also attend the District III and Idaho State Drama Competitions, the BSU High School Theater Festival and finish the year off with an annual trip to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon.