Theatre is ... the seeing place.

At Cheyenne Mountain High School, students may take classes in:

Drama, Advanced Acting (admitted through audition only), Improvisation, 
Theatrical Makeup, and Technical Theatre.
Drama Club is open to all students - even those not currently taking a theatre class.

We produce a Fall play (which is a musical every other year) and a Spring play. 

Auditions are open to everyone.
A NIGHT OF ONE ACTS is a class project for all Drama, Advanced Acting, and Technical Theatre students.
COFFEE HOUSE/OPEN MIC NIGHT is hosted by the CMHS Drama Club and open to everyone.
Advanced Acting students write, direct, act, and produce an end-of-the-year showcase.

Our Thespian Troupe is #3811

Check out our upcoming shows

by clicking on the image(s) below!