We Did It For You! Excerpts & Interviews Creative

Dr. Thea Iberall - Playwright

Dr. Thea Iberall is an award-winning writer, storyteller, and scientist. She is the playwright of We Did It For You! and has been producing it in California and Massachusetts since 2011. Thea is also the co-lyricist for the song "We Need to Rise". She's had over 50 poems published in journals and anthologies including The Southern California Anthology, Spillway, poeticdiversity, and numerous other journals. Thea was a semi-finalist in the 2014 Mary Ballard Poetry Chapbook Prize and also in the Atlanta Review International Poetry Competition. She is the author of The Swallow and the Nightingale, a visionary fiction novel about a 4,000-year old secret brought through time by the birds. www.theaiberall.com