About We Did It For You! Excerpts & Interviews

Stoughton Public Library is proud to sponsor  We Did It For You! - Excerpts and Interviews as part of their Stoughton Reads Together" series .

We Did It For You! is an engaging musical that tells of the struggles and triumphs women have undergone to get their basic rights in America. A high school student has a history project to figure out who has done the most for women of today, and she learns the answer from the women who were there. 

The play shares 400 years of history through anecdotes and accomplishments of historical figures. Importantly, it identifies the problems women are still up against on their road towards equality. In this online program, playwright Thea Iberall will intersperse video highlights and excerpts of the show with interviews with cast members who share why they are driven to participate in this play. 

We Did It For You LLC