Irritation to a Murder Cast

Pete Pellinen (Farquar)
Farquar is the personal assistant for the Gatewood family. Very dry and at times sarcastic. Hates being referred to as a "butler."
Darby Sauer (Autumn Gatewood)
Autumn is the youngest daughter of the Gatewoods. She was recently expelled from a prep-school back east for her anti-establishment views. Autumn is the total antithesis of everything her family stands for.
Sarah Simek (Summer Gatewood)
As the older daughter, Summer is the exact opposite of her sister Autumn. She is annoyed by people who work for a living and is a major fan of material possessions and fashion.
Jerry Newton (Godfry Gatewood)
Godry is a shrewd businessman and Fortune 500 poster boy. He is ruthless in his capitalistic ways and doesn't have time for nonsense. Unfortunately, everyone and everything is nonsense to him.
Marlys Goerdt (Beatrice Gatewood)
As Godfry's wife, Beatrice relishes her role as a socialite and struggles hard to keep her name and family in the society columns. Beatrice can be confused easily when she listens and tries to think at the same time.
Steve Solkela (Phillip Abercrombie)
As the fiance of Summer Gatewood Phillip is stoked to be marrying into the Gatewood family. He comes from a wealthy family but doesn't care for his father's liberal leanings. He dreams of one day being just like Godfry, wishing he could sail by on his looks and personality.
Sam Papin (Herbert)
Herbert is a neighbor and close friend of Autumn. He is shy and nerdy.
Ethan Allen (Nick Dashell)
Nick is Beatrice's brother and a former undercover narcotics officer who always wanted to be a 'real' detective and investigate crime. He retired from the department to start his own Private Eye business.
Michelle Yurczyk (Darla Dashell)
Darla is Nick's wife and a former assitant at the coroner's office (probably where they met.) She is very smart and keeps Nick in line as much as she can.
Carol Zakula (Rachael)
Godfry's Administsrative Assistant, Rachael is eager to please and works hard to keep up with all of the demands Godfry throws upon her even though it has her a second or two away from an emotional breakdown.