About The Drowsy Chaperone

Book by Bob Martin and Don McKellar and music and lyrics by Lisa Lambert and Greg Morrison

The Drowsy Chaperone is a parody of American musical comedy of the 1920s. The story concerns a middle-aged, asocial musical theatre fan. As he plays the record of his favorite musical, the fictional 1928 hit The Drowsy Chaperone, the show comes to life onstage, as he wryly comments on the music, story, and actors.

Janet Van de Graafff: Star of zeldzieg's Follies who is conflicted about giving up her life on the stage to marry Robert Martin. She loves being the center of attention and is the consummate 1920s starlet. 

Robert Martin: The groom-to-be who is deeply in love with Janet. He is the token 1920s leading man - debonair, dashing, and a matinee idol. He is cheesy, cheerful, and optimistic.

The Drowsy Chaperone: Janet's alcoholic confidante. Care-free, often because she is drunk. An experienced "woman of the world" who couldn't care less what the world thinks. A melodramatic diva to be reckoned with, who gleefully chews the scenery and steals just about every scene she is in.

Adolpho: Latin lothario. A womanizing cad who is very impressed with himself. He is confident, vigorous, and a buffoon. 

Mrs. Tottendale: A wealthy widow and host of the wedding. She is flighty, eccentric, often times forgetful, and funny. She is absolutely charming, bubbly and oblivious to the confusion her behavior generates in other people. 

Underling: Mrs. Tottendale's unflappable butler and manservant. He is stoic, dry-humored and sarcastic. 

Mr. Feldzieg: Harried producer who will do anything to stop the wedding in order to keep Janet in the Follies. He is nervoud, sarcastic, impatient, overbearing, and insensitive.

Kitty: 1920s dumb blonde chorine. She is Mr. Feldzieg's companion and will do anything to be a leading lady. 

George: Robert's anxious best man. He is lyal, sincere, and nervous. Makes looking out for Robert's interests his top priority so that the wedding will come off without a hitch.

Gangsters 1 & 2: Two jovial gangsters who are posing as pastry chefs. Typical 1920s Broadway gangsters full of word play and stylized movements.

Trix the Aviatrix: The brave and brash female aviator. She is sassy, sleek and a take charge kind of gal.

Bishop Lynch High School


The Blackfriars Guild of Bishop Lynch High School is an organization which gives students an opportunity to participate in good theater, be it on stage or behind the scenes.

The Blackfriars offer three theatrical productions each year - a fall play in November, a musical in February/March, and a play in April. Class credit is given to students who participate in any of these three productions ~ 1/2 credit for performers and tech crew members.

Auditions are required in order to be a cast member. Classes meet during the school day for the fall and spring plays, and on weekends for the musical. Times and dates are announced.

Each performer is required to pay a small ($40) costume rental fee. All costumes are provided and remain the property of Bishop Lynch High School.

For more information on any Blackfriars production, please contact Terry May